Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I (wish I) felt the earth move under my feet...

It turns out I sleep through things. Ha! Thought I'd shock all of you with a secret opening statement like that. Please try not to go into hysterics from your level of surprise.

Although innumerable examples of this abound, the most recent happens to have been an earthquake. Near-ish Florida. Who'd've guessed? Apparently it happened at 7 AM Sunday morning in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico and was a 6.0 on the Richter scale. Now if it were only the western coast of Florida that felt the shocks, or if it were only a little buzz, it wouldn't be so bad, but I'm in the middle of the state, and people all the way on the eastern coast felt the rumblings. I feel so cheated. Probably because I'd be too scared to live in California and risk earthquakes on a regular basis (here, at least you know the hurricanes are coming), but since one happened here anyway, it would have been nice to be conscious for it.

As it was, I did remember some rumbling at the 7-7:30-ish hour of Sunday morning, but it turns out a semi was parked outside my window, disgorging its contents to the happy new inhabitants of an apartment somewhere in my building. In my groggy mental haze which lasts for the first 90 minutes of my daily alarm/snooze cycle, perhaps everything blended together into one prolonged remembered din which I summarily dismissed upon a brief peek out the window, confirming the semi.

Oh well. It turns out there was a 5.2 in February in the same spot, so perhaps if I wait another 7 months and pull a few all-nighters, I can be rewarded with a repeat. Now, only to remember...


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