Saturday, April 08, 2006

Changes, I'm going through cha-a-a-anges

I believe we've established that timeliness is not a strong point of mine. Sometimes that means what time I eventually make it out the door for work in the mornings, other times it means sending birthday cards (mom, yours is on its way!), or how long it takes me to fully unpack from a trip--I believe this last time was only 2.5 months! It's not that I intend to let so many things slide underneath my radar, but that's exactly what they do. And yet, at work I'm all about details (don't worry, I don't understand me either).

The most recent example, which I just had to share, is my desk. This coming September will be my 3 year anniversary of moving to Florida. I knew it was a bad sign when it took me 8 months to get a couch (2 for shopping, 3 for delivery, 3 more for correct delivery).

I also happened not to have a desk when I relocated, which shocks even me, considering how much I use my computer. As a faithful but in no way comparable stand-in, I used an end table that I swiped from my parents' house. I'm pretty sure they knew about it and gave permission under duress, but I really don't recall. Thanks to Rob's stellar oversight in my mini Shuttle CPU setup, and using a trackball mouse, everything could just fit on the small surface, and I'd just forget about the fact that I had no space for anything else, let alone my knees.

I'm not sure what snapped in my mind (no, it wasn't an extra bolt), but I decided I needed to get at least an economical version (think cheap!). The bonus was that I got to put it together myself. I love those things! So, I put it together two weeks ago and am quite happy with it. It took me two weeks to add it here though because I had to rearrange the clutter that didn't have a home before :)

So, with no further ado...TA DA!!


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