Saturday, March 04, 2006

Pass the pollen

I'm new to the whole allergies thing. In fact, my preferred method of dealing with them is denial. So, when once or twice a year I come down with sinus stuff that won't leave me alone for weeks to months, it takes a long time to step from denial to acknowledgement. I keep hoping that if I insist I have a cold, I'll just get better and that'll be the end of it. But when many of my co-workers were also complaining of allergy symptoms and mentioning the excessively high pollen counts, I thought there might be something to it. Turns out that my little corner of Florida was in the high 10-11 range of pollen activity (measured on a 1-12 scale). For kicks, I checked out a Minneapolis zip code and the activity was under 1! I'd stay inactive too, if temps were below freezing. But I hear that's slowly changing and signs of spring are on the horizon there too.

After getting my allergy medicine refilled two days ago, I've been feeling much better. I guess doctor's visits are good for something :)


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