Monday, August 14, 2006

Something old something new with Ian

I finally added a few pics of Ian from when we all gathered in Minneapolis for Emily's wedding. Feel free to check them out!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Security Blanket

This is a really scattered post, but so are my thoughts, so please overlook.

There's a certain comfort in the routine and familiar.
Being at home with family and knowing what everyone will do like clockwork
Getting ready in the morning and having the same order of brushing teeth, combing hair, etc.
Having a favorite breakfast food
Doing the same 3-5 things when first getting in to work or after walking through the door upon returning home
A favorite blanket, pillow or sweatshirt
Driving the same way to work and knowing traffic patterns and landmarks.
Even that a week goes in cycles. And for those of us that have a 9-5, the expectation of a weekend bringing familiar tasks of household upkeep or spending time with friends and family or at church.

We are comfortable with the expected, and it gives a sense of security. But so often that sense of security results in coasting on autopilot. Sometimes we can recognize areas of our life that are on autopilot and either acknowledge them as a good thing that we have down and continue it, or in other instances we see that we've set the cruise control on a part of our lives that really needs to have our attention and input and be under the Spirit's control.

So on days when I expect the expected, not realizing I'm cruising along, partially disengaged, it's an abrupt reality check to realize that people, places or things with which I feel comfortable and secure suddenly come into focus as not being guaranteed or permanent. It's like a kid trying to fall asleep without their security blanket. But the good thing about being jarred out of cruise control is the impetus to look around and engage, and the reminder that there is only One source for true security and constancy.